Episode Fourteen: The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

My Dog Ate My Book Report is a podcast where two weirdo thirty-somethings take turns introducing each other to a formative book from childhood the other has never read to see if the magic has held up!

This episode we read: The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

The transcript can be found here: Episode Fourteen Transcript


Content Warnings: 

Cultural appropriation
Violence against children



Cover Brandon read back in 199X.
Modern cover

Links to things we mentioned:

Illustration by Alton Raible

“Zilpha Keatley Snyder dies at 87; wrote fantastical children’s books,” Los Angeles Times

Cathlena Martin’s “Role Playing in Children’s Literature: Zilpha Keatley Snyder and The Egypt Game” from the American Journal of Play

What we are reading next!

Next time we have a special guest, Nuance, who has chosen Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor


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My Dog ate My Book Report is hosted and produced by Wren and Brandon, and edited by Derrick Valen and Daisy McNamara and Brandon

The music used in this podcast was licensed by Epidemic Sound. Transcripts were generated by Otter.ai. Our icon image was illustrated by Cindy Lau.

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You can find us on our website which links to all of our socials at: dogatemybookreport.blubrry.net or by emailing at DogAteMyBookReport at gmail.

We would be super excited to know what books you loved growing up!

Thanks for listening!